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Protect your account with two-step verification

You can ensure that your account stays secure by turning on two-step verification. When this feature is turned on, you must enter a code that is sent to you by email to log in to MyChart, in addition to using your username and password.

After July 12, 2020, when you log in to MyChart for the first time, you will be prompted to verify your email address and phone number to enable two-step verification. If you decide to turn off two-step verification instead, you can turn it on again later from inside the MyChart site.

Enable two-step verification First Time from browser

Once you log in to MyChart, you will see a screen that says "Set Up Two-Step Verification"

  1. Click Continue
  2. Verify or update your email address and click Continue
  3. Click to send the one-time security code to your email
  4. Enter the code that you received by email and click Next
  5. Enter your password and click Next

Disable two-step verification from browser

Once you log in to MyChart, Go to Profile > Security Settings and click Turn Off Two-Step Verification.

  1. Enter your MyChart password, and then click Continue
  2. To finish updating the settings, a code will be sent to you. Select Send to My Email
  3. Enter the code that you received by email and click Next then OKAY

Enable two-step verification First Time from app

Once you log in to MyChart, you will see a screen that says "Secure Your Account"

  1. Click Get Started
  2. Verify or update your email address and click Continue
  3. Click to send the one-time security code to your email
  4. Enter the code that you received by email and click Verify
  5. Enter your password and click Next

Disable two-step verification from app

Once you log in to MyChart, Go to 3 dots in upper right corner > Account Settings and click Two-Step Verification.

  1. Enter your email address and password, and then click Continue
  2. Enter the code that you received by email and click Verify
  3. Click Finish